Toaster Struedel > Pop Tart

November 12, 2008

I love breakfast.  When I get up early enough to make it.

Lazy Days Reading > Busy Days Studying

November 9, 2008

I seriously question when I’m learning more.

ShamWow! > Imitators

November 8, 2008

Something about this commercial is hilarious and persuasive and really really obnoxious all at the same time.

South Park > Family Guy

November 8, 2008

A simple call on substance over flash.  For two shows that are both pop-culture satires in pandemonium, it doesn’t even seem close.

Vicodin > IBU Profen

November 3, 2008

Although both are helping me kill this sore throat.

Germany > France

November 2, 2008

For reasons of music, culture, sport, and experience in travel.

Brevity > Verbosity

November 2, 2008

Explaining it here detracts from the value of the post.

Commercials during primetime > Infomercials during midnight snacktime

November 2, 2008

If coming up with this dross is all it takes to work in marketing, I’m dropping out of law school.

Raphael > Michaelangelo > Leonardo > Donatello

November 2, 2008

Upon rewatching the old school cartoons again, the least favorite of my childhood has taken the lead.

Pac > Nas > B.I.G.

November 2, 2008

New York hates me for this, but it’s true.

Palin’s chances in 4 years > McCain’s chances in 4 days

November 2, 2008

But keep telling yourself the polls aren’t accurate.

Stanley Kubrick > Alfred Hitchcock

November 2, 2008

Of course, I say that as I rewatch The Shining.